

Welcome to the Marz API! You can use our API to access Marz API endpoints, which can get information on Marz


To authorize, use this Authentication:

Basic Auth

Username : username

Password : password

Headers X-JWT-Assertion :- eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.dTCn8fjDHBKmTrJ7Ivf0fpEG3oKOvusC53vCcOBh3JA

For Rocketship UAT:

Headers X-JWT-Assertion (subscriber name of rocketship_b2c) :- eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.0DhBjxAnJiJhXy6GpDgf6nYHh9v83YA8eq6HJlR4tPk


List of API

1 Discover Plan POST
2 Calculator POST
3 Quote POST
4 Confirm POST

Business-to-Consumer - API Request And Response Details

Pro-Health Medical

1. DiscoverPlan

Method Post

API Endpoint :

To get all plans with the planType

  "planType": "Pro-Health",
  "languageCode": "en"

Response :
    "plans": [
            "id": "4ae65b6d-95f8-4bed-a083-a0842a4b5eee",
            "description": "ProHealth100",
            "planCode": "ProHealth100",
            "currencyCode": "MYR",
            "promoCode": null,
            "affinityCode": null,
            "subPlans": [],
            "attributes": [
                    "name": "AgentName",
                    "description": "Agent Name",
                    "type": "String",
                    "fieldPath": "Extension/AgentName",
                    "isRequired": false,
                    "listOfItems": null
                    "name": "AgentCode",
                    "description": "Agent Code",
                    "type": "String",
                    "fieldPath": "Extension/AgentCode",
                    "isRequired": false,
                    "listOfItems": null
                    "name": "Weight",
                    "description": "Weight (kg)",
                    "type": "Integer",
                    "fieldPath": "Extension/Weight",
                    "isRequired": false,
                    "listOfItems": null
                    "name": "Height",
                    "description": "Height (cm)",
                    "type": "Integer",
                    "fieldPath": "Extension/Height",
                    "isRequired": false,
                    "listOfItems": null
            "marketingMessage": null,
            "maxPolicyHolder": 1,
            "maxInsuredPerson": 1,
            "paymentFrequency": [
            "isMasterPolicy": false,
            "categoryID": 37,
            "questionnaireGroup": [
                    "id": "9da1c2fd-d160-41e6-a4b4-614a923aa28e",
                    "name": "Pro-Health Declaration",
                    "description": "Pro-Health Declaration",
                    "questions": [
                            "id": "a48c66e0-9caf-43a5-a65c-44deb0a74af3",
                            "question": "Do you currently suffer from, or have been diagnosed with any of the following medical conditions? •        Cancer, tumors, abnormal growths or cysts •        Stroke, heart attack, chest pains, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, anemia, thyroid disorder, or any disorder of the blood vessels. •        Any childhood or congenital conditions, bone or joint disorders including arthritis, sciatica and rheumatism. •        Hepatitis, tuberculosis, or any other disease of the respiratory system •        Disorder of the lungs, liver, kidneys, or digestive system. •        Psychotic, mental or nervous disorders, alcoholism or drug abuse.  •        Any physical conditions that affect your mobility, physical capacity, stamina, or dexterity  •        Any diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, mouth, skin, back, or spine •        AIDS or AIDS related complications, or any communicable diseases that require quarantine by law",
                            "answers": [
                                    "id": "71ac32db-11a6-4e03-9b4e-d5b208b95514",
                                    "answer": "No",
                                    "score": 1.00,
                                    "nextQuestionID": null
                                    "id": "61c4eb90-813c-4c6e-8407-fe21b0603a1d",
                                    "answer": "Yes",
                                    "score": -10.00,
                                    "nextQuestionID": null
                            "id": "d88ae0f8-d1c8-4da5-8428-dd4dd23d18f3",
                            "question": "Have any of your applications for insurance coverage, including renewal or reinstatement, ever been declined, postponed, rated up or accepted on special terms by any insurance company?",
                            "answers": [
                                    "id": "96918a2d-24ba-48d1-a79f-7d8b84031bcd",
                                    "answer": "No",
                                    "score": 1.00,
                                    "nextQuestionID": null
                                    "id": "82bb3ee7-bdc2-4825-8181-9b23312d4895",
                                    "answer": "Yes",
                                    "score": -10.0,
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                            "id": "24ce652a-ebcc-41e3-8fdc-2b43c4af6461",
                            "question": "2.\tHave you been diagnosed with any of the following medical condition during the lapsed period? <br> (a) Cancer, leukaemia, tumours, lump, abnormal growths or cysts <br> (b) Stroke, heart attack, chest pains, high blood pressure, heart disease, any disorder of the blood vessels  <br> (c) Anaemia or any blood disorder, thyroid disorder. <br>(d) Bone or joint disorders including arthritis, sciatica and rheumatism. <br> (e) Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, tuberculosis or any other disease of the respiratory system <br><br>(f) Disorder of the lungs, liver, kidneys, or digestive system. <br>(g) Psychotic, mental or nervous disorders, alcoholism or drug abuse.  <br>(h) Any physical defects, deformities, or motor impairments or any physical condition that affect your mobility, physical capacity, stamina, or dexterity  <br>(i) Any diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, mouth, skin, back, or spine AIDS or AIDS related complications <br>(j) Diabetes, raised blood sugar, sugar in urine, any condition affecting your pancreases, thyroid or hormones",
                            "answers": [
                                    "id": "28845ab7-5d1e-4f53-88c2-cd60b902e0e0",
                                    "answer": "No",
                                    "score": 1.00,
                                    "nextQuestionID": null
                                    "id": "e2eddca7-5263-44fe-9728-6663f881ce3a",
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            "id": "84733723-7524-4d93-95b5-f738628cff5f",
            "description": "ProHealth150",
            "planCode": "ProHealth150",
            "currencyCode": "MYR",
            "promoCode": null,
            "affinityCode": null,
            "subPlans": [],
            "attributes": [
                    "name": "AgentName",
                    "description": "Agent Name",
                    "type": "String",
                    "fieldPath": "Extension/AgentName",
                    "isRequired": false,
                    "listOfItems": null
                    "name": "AgentCode",
                    "description": "Agent Code",
                    "type": "String",
                    "fieldPath": "Extension/AgentCode",
                    "isRequired": false,
                    "listOfItems": null
                    "name": "Weight",
                    "description": "Weight (kg)",
                    "type": "Integer",
                    "fieldPath": "Extension/Weight",
                    "isRequired": false,
                    "listOfItems": null
                    "name": "Height",
                    "description": "Height (cm)",
                    "type": "Integer",
                    "fieldPath": "Extension/Height",
                    "isRequired": false,
                    "listOfItems": null
            "marketingMessage": null,
            "maxPolicyHolder": 1,
            "maxInsuredPerson": 1,
            "paymentFrequency": [
            "isMasterPolicy": false,
            "categoryID": 37,
            "questionnaireGroup": [
                    "id": "9da1c2fd-d160-41e6-a4b4-614a923aa28e",
                    "name": "Pro-Health Declaration",
                    "description": "Pro-Health Declaration",
                    "questions": [
                            "id": "a48c66e0-9caf-43a5-a65c-44deb0a74af3",
                            "question": "Do you currently suffer from, or have been diagnosed with any of the following medical conditions? •        Cancer, tumors, abnormal growths or cysts •        Stroke, heart attack, chest pains, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, anemia, thyroid disorder, or any disorder of the blood vessels. •        Any childhood or congenital conditions, bone or joint disorders including arthritis, sciatica and rheumatism. •        Hepatitis, tuberculosis, or any other disease of the respiratory system •        Disorder of the lungs, liver, kidneys, or digestive system. •        Psychotic, mental or nervous disorders, alcoholism or drug abuse.  •        Any physical conditions that affect your mobility, physical capacity, stamina, or dexterity  •        Any diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, mouth, skin, back, or spine •        AIDS or AIDS related complications, or any communicable diseases that require quarantine by law",
                            "answers": [
                                    "id": "71ac32db-11a6-4e03-9b4e-d5b208b95514",
                                    "answer": "No",
                                    "score": 1.00,
                                    "nextQuestionID": null
                                    "id": "61c4eb90-813c-4c6e-8407-fe21b0603a1d",
                                    "answer": "Yes",
                                    "score": -10.00,
                                    "nextQuestionID": null
                            "id": "d88ae0f8-d1c8-4da5-8428-dd4dd23d18f3",
                            "question": "Have any of your applications for insurance coverage, including renewal or reinstatement, ever been declined, postponed, rated up or accepted on special terms by any insurance company?",
                            "answers": [
                                    "id": "96918a2d-24ba-48d1-a79f-7d8b84031bcd",
                                    "answer": "No",
                                    "score": 1.00,
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                                    "id": "82bb3ee7-bdc2-4825-8181-9b23312d4895",
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                            "id": "24ce652a-ebcc-41e3-8fdc-2b43c4af6461",
                            "question": "2.\tHave you been diagnosed with any of the following medical condition during the lapsed period? <br> (a) Cancer, leukaemia, tumours, lump, abnormal growths or cysts <br> (b) Stroke, heart attack, chest pains, high blood pressure, heart disease, any disorder of the blood vessels  <br> (c) Anaemia or any blood disorder, thyroid disorder. <br>(d) Bone or joint disorders including arthritis, sciatica and rheumatism. <br> (e) Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, tuberculosis or any other disease of the respiratory system <br><br>(f) Disorder of the lungs, liver, kidneys, or digestive system. <br>(g) Psychotic, mental or nervous disorders, alcoholism or drug abuse.  <br>(h) Any physical defects, deformities, or motor impairments or any physical condition that affect your mobility, physical capacity, stamina, or dexterity  <br>(i) Any diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, mouth, skin, back, or spine AIDS or AIDS related complications <br>(j) Diabetes, raised blood sugar, sugar in urine, any condition affecting your pancreases, thyroid or hormones",
                            "answers": [
                                    "id": "28845ab7-5d1e-4f53-88c2-cd60b902e0e0",
                                    "answer": "No",
                                    "score": 1.00,
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            "id": "aa44b1bc-7c02-4e98-91c8-0d77e93b0480",
            "description": "ProHealth30",
            "planCode": "ProHealth30",
            "currencyCode": "MYR",
            "promoCode": null,
            "affinityCode": null,
            "subPlans": [],
            "attributes": [
                    "name": "AgentName",
                    "description": "Agent Name",
                    "type": "String",
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                    "isRequired": false,
                    "listOfItems": null
                    "name": "AgentCode",
                    "description": "Agent Code",
                    "type": "String",
                    "fieldPath": "Extension/AgentCode",
                    "isRequired": false,
                    "listOfItems": null
                    "name": "Weight",
                    "description": "Weight (kg)",
                    "type": "Integer",
                    "fieldPath": "Extension/Weight",
                    "isRequired": false,
                    "listOfItems": null
                    "name": "Height",
                    "description": "Height (cm)",
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                    "fieldPath": "Extension/Height",
                    "isRequired": false,
                    "listOfItems": null
            "marketingMessage": null,
            "maxPolicyHolder": 1,
            "maxInsuredPerson": 1,
            "paymentFrequency": [
            "isMasterPolicy": false,
            "categoryID": 37,
            "questionnaireGroup": [
                    "id": "9da1c2fd-d160-41e6-a4b4-614a923aa28e",
                    "name": "Pro-Health Declaration",
                    "description": "Pro-Health Declaration",
                    "questions": [
                            "id": "a48c66e0-9caf-43a5-a65c-44deb0a74af3",
                            "question": "Do you currently suffer from, or have been diagnosed with any of the following medical conditions? •        Cancer, tumors, abnormal growths or cysts •        Stroke, heart attack, chest pains, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, anemia, thyroid disorder, or any disorder of the blood vessels. •        Any childhood or congenital conditions, bone or joint disorders including arthritis, sciatica and rheumatism. •        Hepatitis, tuberculosis, or any other disease of the respiratory system •        Disorder of the lungs, liver, kidneys, or digestive system. •        Psychotic, mental or nervous disorders, alcoholism or drug abuse.  •        Any physical conditions that affect your mobility, physical capacity, stamina, or dexterity  •        Any diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, mouth, skin, back, or spine •        AIDS or AIDS related complications, or any communicable diseases that require quarantine by law",
                            "answers": [
                                    "id": "71ac32db-11a6-4e03-9b4e-d5b208b95514",
                                    "answer": "No",
                                    "score": 1.00,
                                    "nextQuestionID": null
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                            "id": "d88ae0f8-d1c8-4da5-8428-dd4dd23d18f3",
                            "question": "Have any of your applications for insurance coverage, including renewal or reinstatement, ever been declined, postponed, rated up or accepted on special terms by any insurance company?",
                            "answers": [
                                    "id": "96918a2d-24ba-48d1-a79f-7d8b84031bcd",
                                    "answer": "No",
                                    "score": 1.00,
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                            "id": "24ce652a-ebcc-41e3-8fdc-2b43c4af6461",
                            "question": "2.\tHave you been diagnosed with any of the following medical condition during the lapsed period? <br> (a) Cancer, leukaemia, tumours, lump, abnormal growths or cysts <br> (b) Stroke, heart attack, chest pains, high blood pressure, heart disease, any disorder of the blood vessels  <br> (c) Anaemia or any blood disorder, thyroid disorder. <br>(d) Bone or joint disorders including arthritis, sciatica and rheumatism. <br> (e) Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, tuberculosis or any other disease of the respiratory system <br><br>(f) Disorder of the lungs, liver, kidneys, or digestive system. <br>(g) Psychotic, mental or nervous disorders, alcoholism or drug abuse.  <br>(h) Any physical defects, deformities, or motor impairments or any physical condition that affect your mobility, physical capacity, stamina, or dexterity  <br>(i) Any diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, mouth, skin, back, or spine AIDS or AIDS related complications <br>(j) Diabetes, raised blood sugar, sugar in urine, any condition affecting your pancreases, thyroid or hormones",
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            "categoryID": 37,
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                    "name": "Pro-Health Declaration",
                    "description": "Pro-Health Declaration",
                    "questions": [
                            "id": "a48c66e0-9caf-43a5-a65c-44deb0a74af3",
                            "question": "Do you currently suffer from, or have been diagnosed with any of the following medical conditions? •        Cancer, tumors, abnormal growths or cysts •        Stroke, heart attack, chest pains, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, anemia, thyroid disorder, or any disorder of the blood vessels. •        Any childhood or congenital conditions, bone or joint disorders including arthritis, sciatica and rheumatism. •        Hepatitis, tuberculosis, or any other disease of the respiratory system •        Disorder of the lungs, liver, kidneys, or digestive system. •        Psychotic, mental or nervous disorders, alcoholism or drug abuse.  •        Any physical conditions that affect your mobility, physical capacity, stamina, or dexterity  •        Any diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, mouth, skin, back, or spine •        AIDS or AIDS related complications, or any communicable diseases that require quarantine by law",
                            "answers": [
                                    "id": "71ac32db-11a6-4e03-9b4e-d5b208b95514",
                                    "answer": "No",
                                    "score": 1.00,
                                    "nextQuestionID": null
                                    "id": "61c4eb90-813c-4c6e-8407-fe21b0603a1d",
                                    "answer": "Yes",
                                    "score": -10.00,
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                            "id": "d88ae0f8-d1c8-4da5-8428-dd4dd23d18f3",
                            "question": "Have any of your applications for insurance coverage, including renewal or reinstatement, ever been declined, postponed, rated up or accepted on special terms by any insurance company?",
                            "answers": [
                                    "id": "96918a2d-24ba-48d1-a79f-7d8b84031bcd",
                                    "answer": "No",
                                    "score": 1.00,
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                            "id": "24ce652a-ebcc-41e3-8fdc-2b43c4af6461",
                            "question": "2.\tHave you been diagnosed with any of the following medical condition during the lapsed period? <br> (a) Cancer, leukaemia, tumours, lump, abnormal growths or cysts <br> (b) Stroke, heart attack, chest pains, high blood pressure, heart disease, any disorder of the blood vessels  <br> (c) Anaemia or any blood disorder, thyroid disorder. <br>(d) Bone or joint disorders including arthritis, sciatica and rheumatism. <br> (e) Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, tuberculosis or any other disease of the respiratory system <br><br>(f) Disorder of the lungs, liver, kidneys, or digestive system. <br>(g) Psychotic, mental or nervous disorders, alcoholism or drug abuse.  <br>(h) Any physical defects, deformities, or motor impairments or any physical condition that affect your mobility, physical capacity, stamina, or dexterity  <br>(i) Any diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, mouth, skin, back, or spine AIDS or AIDS related complications <br>(j) Diabetes, raised blood sugar, sugar in urine, any condition affecting your pancreases, thyroid or hormones",
                            "answers": [
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                                    "answer": "No",
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                                    "answer": "Yes",
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    "error": {
        "code": 0,
        "message": null
Request body parameters:
Name Type Mandatory Remark
planType String Yes Category from Cagetory API
languageCode String Yes EN
Response body parameters:
Name Type Mandatory Remark
planType String Yes Input
languageCode String Yes Input
planType String Yes Input
ID Guid Yes Plan Unique ID
Description String No Plan Description
planCode String Yes The plan code that use in quote, calculator API
currencyCode String Yes MYR/ THB/ VND
subPlans List<Plans> No Sub-Plans list
Attributes List <Attribute> No Attributes list
MarketingMessage String/Html No The message display for marketing purpose
MaxPolicyHolder Int Yes The Maximum Policy Holder count in this policy
MaxInsuredPerson Int Yes The Maximum Insured person count in this policy
PaymentFrequency List<String> No List of the Payment Frequency eg : Yearly, Monthly, Quaterly, Half Year
IsMasterPolicy Bool Yes
CategoryID Int Yes System ID for Category
QuestionnaireGroup List<QuestionaireGroup> No List of underwriter question group
code Int Yes Error Code
message String Yes Error message (Null if no error)
Name Type Mandatory Remark
Name String Y Attributes Name
Type String Y Attributes Data Type
FieldPath String Y Attributes Field (Use in Placeholder)
Description String Y Attributes Description
IsRequired Bool Y
ListOfItems List<Item> No List of Item
Name Type Mandatory Remark
ItemName String Yes Item Name
ItemValue String Yes Item Value
Name Type Mandatory Remark
ID Guid Yes
Name String Yes
Description String Yes
Question List<Question> Yes List of Questions
Name Type Mandatory Remark
ID Guid Yes
Question String Yes Question
Answer List<Answer> Yes
Name Type Mandatory Remark
ID Guid Yes
Answer String Yes
Score Int Yes
NextQuestionID Guid Yes
Propose UI

2. Calculator

Method Post

API Endpoint :

To calculate the pricing breakdown with customer information

Request Body Parameter
    "planCode": "ProHealth100",
    "policyStart": "2023-03-14T00:00:00 Z ",
    "policyEnd": "2024-03-13T00:00:00 Z ",
    "insuredPersonDOB": "1994-07-23T00:00:00 Z ",
    "promoCode": "",
    "affinityCode": "",
    "languageCode": "en",
    "currencyCode": "MYR",
    "subPlans": null,
    "Extension": {
        "Height": "170",
        "Weight": "60",
Name Type Mandatory Remark
planCode String Yes The planCode retrieve from Discover Plan API
insuredPersonDOB Datetime Yes Policy holder DOB
policyStart Datetime Yes
PolicyEnd Datetime Yes
languageCode String Yes EN
subPlans List<String> Yes Sub Plan List
currencyCode String Yes
Extension Json No The Attribute listed in Discover Plan API
Response body parameters:
Response :
    "plan": {
        "id": "4ae65b6d-95f8-4bed-a083-a0842a4b5eee",
        "planCode": "ProHealth100",
        "category": "PRPro-Health",
        "currencyCode": "MYR",
        "premiumBreakdown": null,
        "paymentFrequency": [
                "frequencyDescription": "Monthly",
                "paymentProjection": [
                        "year": 1,
                        "purpose": null,
                        "premiumBreakdown": [
                                "chargeCode": "BasicPremium",
                                "chargeDescription": "Basic Premium",
                                "amount": 691.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "Rebate",
                                "chargeDescription": "Rebate discount",
                                "amount": 0.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "NetAnnualPremium",
                                "chargeDescription": "NET ANNUAL PREMIUM",
                                "amount": 691.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "StampDuty",
                                "chargeDescription": "Stamp duty",
                                "amount": 10.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "Total",
                                "chargeDescription": "Total",
                                "amount": 691.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "SumInsured",
                                "chargeDescription": "Sum insured",
                                "amount": 100000.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "Total With StampDuty",
                                "chargeDescription": "Total With StampDuty",
                                "amount": 701.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                        "paymentDates": [
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-03-14T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 60.46,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 60.46,
                                "isFirstPayment": true,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-04-14T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 60.46,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 60.46,
                                "isFirstPayment": false,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-05-14T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 60.46,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 60.46,
                                "isFirstPayment": false,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-06-14T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 60.46,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 60.46,
                                "isFirstPayment": false,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-07-14T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 60.46,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 60.46,
                                "isFirstPayment": false,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-08-14T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 60.46,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 60.46,
                                "isFirstPayment": false,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-09-14T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 60.46,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 60.46,
                                "isFirstPayment": false,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-10-14T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 60.46,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 60.46,
                                "isFirstPayment": false,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-11-14T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 60.46,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 60.46,
                                "isFirstPayment": false,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-12-14T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 60.46,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 60.46,
                                "isFirstPayment": false,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2024-01-14T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 60.46,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 60.46,
                                "isFirstPayment": false,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2024-02-14T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 25.94,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 25.94,
                                "isFirstPayment": false,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                "paymentFactor": 1.05
                "frequencyDescription": "Yearly",
                "paymentProjection": [
                        "year": 1,
                        "purpose": null,
                        "premiumBreakdown": [
                                "chargeCode": "BasicPremium",
                                "chargeDescription": "Basic Premium",
                                "amount": 691.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.0,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "Rebate",
                                "chargeDescription": "Rebate discount",
                                "amount": 0.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.0,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "NetAnnualPremium",
                                "chargeDescription": "NET ANNUAL PREMIUM",
                                "amount": 691.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.0,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "StampDuty",
                                "chargeDescription": "Stamp duty",
                                "amount": 10.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.0,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "Total",
                                "chargeDescription": "Total",
                                "amount": 691.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.0,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "SumInsured",
                                "chargeDescription": "Sum insured",
                                "amount": 100000.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.0,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "Total With StampDuty",
                                "chargeDescription": "Total With StampDuty",
                                "amount": 701.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.0,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                        "paymentDates": [
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-03-14T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 691.00,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 691.00,
                                "isFirstPayment": true,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                "paymentFactor": 1.0
        "planDescription": "ProHealth100",
        "subPlan": [],
        "marketingMessage": null,
        "paymentProvider": null,
        "paymentOption": null,
        "netPremium": 0.0
    "error": {
        "code": 0,
        "message": ""
    "isQualified": false
Name Type Mandatory Remark
planCode String Yes The planCode retrieve from Discover Plan API
insuredPersonDOB Datetime Yes Policy holder DOB
policyStart Datetime Yes
PolicyEnd Datetime Yes
languageCode String Yes EN
subPlans List<String> Yes Sub Plan List
currencyCode String Yes
Extension Json Yes The Attribute listed in Discover Plan API
ID Guid Yes
planCode String Yes
currencyCode String Yes
PremiumBreakdown List/ Yes Pricing Breakdown when no payment frequency
PaymentFrequency List<PremiumBreakdownFrequency> Yes List of payment breakdown with frequency
PlanDescription String Yes
SubPlan List<Plan> Yes
PaymentProvider String Yes
PaymentOption String Yes
NetPremium Money Yes
code Int Yes Error Code
message String Yes Error message (Null if no error)
isQualified Bool Y
Name Type Mandatory Remark
ChargeCode String Yes Eg: BAPA
ChargeDescription String Yes Charge Description (Eg: Basic Premium)
Amount Decimal Yes
Percentage Int Yes
Name Type Mandatory Remark
FrequencyDescription String Yes Eg: Monthly, Yearly
PaymentProjection List<PaymentProjection> Yes
PaymentFactor Decimal Yes
Name Type Mandatory Remark
Year Int Yes
PremiumBreakdown List<PremiumBreakdown> Yes
PaymentDates List<PaymentDates> Yes
Name Type Mandatory Remark
BillingNo Int Yes
BillingDate DateTime Yes
Premium Decimal Yes
PremiumWithoutAdditionalCharge Decimal Yes
IsFirstPayment Bool Yes
AdditionalCharge List<PremiumBreakdown> Yes
IsPaid Bool Yes
PaymentDateTime DateTime Yes
Propose UI

3. Quote

Method Post

API Endpoint :

To do plan quotation and generate ID to purchase

Request Body Parameter
  "InsuredPersons": [
      "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "FullName": "Fazzuan",
      "Email": "[email protected]",
      "DOB": "1993-11-22T00:00:00Z",
      "Address": "NEGERI SEMBILAN",
      "Nationality": "MYS",
      "IdNo": "931122065002",
      "Gender": "Male",
      "Postcode": "71800",
      "City": null,
      "State": "NEGERI SEMBILAN",
      "Country": "MYS",
      "InsuredType": 3,
      "Age": 29,
      "AgeNextBirthday": 30,
      "Contacts": [
          "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
          "ContactType": "Mobile",
          "ContactNumber": "1139901415"
      "Extension": {},
      "ExtensionString": "{}"
  "PlanCode": "ProHealth30",
  "Channel": "ZeusAdmin",
  "PolicyStart": "2023-03-09T00:00:00Z",
  "PolicyEnd": "2024-03-08T00:00:00Z",
  "TotalDays": 366,
  "Extension": "{   \"Height\": \"\",   \"Weight\": \"\" }",
  "ExtensionString": "{   \"Height\": \"\",   \"Weight\": \"\" }",
  "languageCode": "en",
  "QuestionnaireGroupResult": [
      "ID": "9da1c2fd-d160-41e6-a4b4-614a923aa28e",
      "TotalScore": 3,
      "Name": "Pro-Health Declaration",
      "Answers": [
          "Question": "a48c66e0-9caf-43a5-a65c-44deb0a74af3",
          "QuestionValue": "Do you currently suffer from, or have been diagnosed with any of the following medical conditions? •        Cancer, tumors, abnormal growths or cysts •        Stroke, heart attack, chest pains, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, anemia, thyroid disorder, or any disorder of the blood vessels. •        Any childhood or congenital conditions, bone or joint disorders including arthritis, sciatica and rheumatism. •        Hepatitis, tuberculosis, or any other disease of the respiratory system •        Disorder of the lungs, liver, kidneys, or digestive system. •        Psychotic, mental or nervous disorders, alcoholism or drug abuse.  •        Any physical conditions that affect your mobility, physical capacity, stamina, or dexterity  •        Any diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, mouth, skin, back, or spine •        AIDS or AIDS related complications, or any communicable diseases that require quarantine by law",
          "Answer": "71ac32db-11a6-4e03-9b4e-d5b208b95514",
          "AnswerValue": "No",
          "Score": 1
          "Question": "d88ae0f8-d1c8-4da5-8428-dd4dd23d18f3",
          "QuestionValue": "Have any of your applications for insurance coverage, including renewal or reinstatement, ever been declined, postponed, rated up or accepted on special terms by any insurance company?",
          "Answer": "96918a2d-24ba-48d1-a79f-7d8b84031bcd",
          "AnswerValue": "No",
          "Score": 1
          "Question": "24ce652a-ebcc-41e3-8fdc-2b43c4af6461",
          "QuestionValue": "2.\tHave you been diagnosed with any of the following medical condition during the lapsed period? <br> (a) Cancer, leukaemia, tumours, lump, abnormal growths or cysts <br> (b) Stroke, heart attack, chest pains, high blood pressure, heart disease, any disorder of the blood vessels  <br> (c) Anaemia or any blood disorder, thyroid disorder. <br>(d) Bone or joint disorders including arthritis, sciatica and rheumatism. <br> (e) Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, tuberculosis or any other disease of the respiratory system <br><br>(f) Disorder of the lungs, liver, kidneys, or digestive system. <br>(g) Psychotic, mental or nervous disorders, alcoholism or drug abuse.  <br>(h) Any physical defects, deformities, or motor impairments or any physical condition that affect your mobility, physical capacity, stamina, or dexterity  <br>(i) Any diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, mouth, skin, back, or spine AIDS or AIDS related complications <br>(j) Diabetes, raised blood sugar, sugar in urine, any condition affecting your pancreases, thyroid or hormones",
          "Answer": "28845ab7-5d1e-4f53-88c2-cd60b902e0e0",
          "AnswerValue": "No",
          "Score": 1
  "SubPlans": null,
  "SubPlanString": null,
  "CurrencyCode": "MYR",
  "PromoCode": "",
  "AffinityCode": "",
  "OwnerMasterPolicyNo": null,
  "OwnerPolicyNo": null,
  "AgentUserName": null
Request body parameters:
Name Type Mandatory Remark
InsuredPersons List<insuredPersons> Yes
planCode String Yes
Channel String N Eg: Mobile/Web
policyStart Datetime Yes
policyEnd Datetime Yes
TotalDays Int N
Extension Json No The Attribute listed in Discover Plan API
languageCode String No EN
QuestionnaireGroupResult List<questionnairegroupresult> No
subPlans List<Plans> No
currencyCode String Y
PromoCode String No
Name Type Mandatory Remark
FullName string Yes
Email Email Yes
DOB Datetime Yes
Address String Yes
Nationality String Yes
IdNo String Yes
Gender String Yes
Postcode String No
City String No
State String No
InsuredType Int Y PolicyHolder = 1,InsuredPerson = 2,PolicyHolderInsured = 3
Contact Contact No

| ContactType | String | Yes | EG: Home, Mobile| | ContactNumber | String | Yes||

Name Type Mandatory Remark
ID Guid Yes Questionaire Group ID from Discover Plan
TotalScore Decimal No System will calculate if no value
Name String No Default will check with ID, Name is not mandatory
Answers List<answers> Yes List of Q&A
Name Type Mandatory Remark
Question Guid Yes Question ID from Discover Plan
Answer Guid Yes Answer ID from Discover Plan
Response body parameters:
Response :
    "plan": {
        "id": "aa44b1bc-7c02-4e98-91c8-0d77e93b0480",
        "planCode": "ProHealth30",
        "category": null,
        "currencyCode": "MYR",
        "premiumBreakdown": null,
        "paymentFrequency": [
                "frequencyDescription": "Monthly",
                "paymentProjection": [
                        "year": 1,
                        "purpose": null,
                        "premiumBreakdown": [
                                "chargeCode": "BasicPremium",
                                "chargeDescription": "Basic Premium",
                                "amount": 598.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": true,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "Rebate",
                                "chargeDescription": "Rebate discount",
                                "amount": 0.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": true,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "NetAnnualPremium",
                                "chargeDescription": "NET ANNUAL PREMIUM",
                                "amount": 598.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": true,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "Total",
                                "chargeDescription": "Total",
                                "amount": 598.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": true,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "StampDuty",
                                "chargeDescription": "Stamp duty",
                                "amount": 10.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": true,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "SumInsured",
                                "chargeDescription": "Sum insured",
                                "amount": 30000.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": true,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "Total With StampDuty",
                                "chargeDescription": "Total With StampDuty",
                                "amount": 608.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": true,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                        "paymentDates": [
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-03-09T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 62.33,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 52.33,
                                "isFirstPayment": true,
                                "additionalCharge": [
                                        "chargeCode": "StampDuty",
                                        "chargeDescription": "One-time: Stamp duty",
                                        "amount": 10.00,
                                        "percentage": 0.0,
                                        "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                        "displayCalc": true,
                                        "isOneTime": true,
                                        "isAmount": true,
                                        "key": null,
                                        "value": 0.0
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-04-09T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 52.33,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 52.33,
                                "isFirstPayment": false,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-05-09T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 52.33,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 52.33,
                                "isFirstPayment": false,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-06-09T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 52.33,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 52.33,
                                "isFirstPayment": false,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-07-09T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 52.33,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 52.33,
                                "isFirstPayment": false,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-08-09T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 52.33,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 52.33,
                                "isFirstPayment": false,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-09-09T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 52.33,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 52.33,
                                "isFirstPayment": false,
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        "message": ""
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    "externalOutput": {},
    "isQualified": true
Name Type Mandatory Remark
Request QuoteRequest Yes
Plan Plan Yes Y
PlanDescription String N
subPlan List<Plans> No
PaymentProvider Json No
PaymentOption Json N
QuoteValidity DateTime Yes QuoteId Expired Date
Error List<Error> Yes
ID Guid Yes The ID Used In Confirm Purchase
isQualified Bool Yes
Propose UI

Extension Questionnaire Insured Person **Promo Code **

4. Confirm

Method POST

API Endpoint :

Request body parameters:

    "QuoteID": "3ba77f75-e59a-45d9-8ca8-37cb91028dad",
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    "PaymentType": 1,
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    "ExtensionJson": null,
    "RefPolicyNo": null
Name Type Mandatory Remark
QuoteID Guid Yes The ID generated during Quote API
PaymentFrequency String No If Paymode (Monthly/Yearly) is setup, it will be Mandatory
PaymentTransactionRef String No A field to record the transaction Information
PaymentDate Date No A field to record the transaction Date
PaymentTime Time No A field to record the transaction Time
PaymentType Int No 0 - Credit Card, 1- FPX
Response body parameters:
Response :
    "policyNo": "UAT-2023-000467",
    "refPolicyNo": "",
    "startDate": "2023-05-17T18:24:15.0354531+08:00",
    "endDate": "2024-05-15T18:24:15.035Z",
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    "paymentFrequency": "Yearly",
    "paymentFrequencyAmount": 0.0,
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        "message": "External Api Error."
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Name Type Mandatory Remark
PolicyNo String Yes
RefPolicyNo String Yes
StartDate Datetime Yes
EndDate StrDatetimeing Yes
TotalPremium Decimal Yes
PlanBreakdown PremiumBreakdown Yes
Error Error Yes
Attachment String base64 No If attachment is setup, return as base64
ExternalOutput String No

Partnership - API Request And Response Details

Critical Safe+

1. DiscoverPlan

Method Post

API Endpoint :

To get all plans with the planType

  "planType": "PRCriticalSafe",
  "languageCode": "en"

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                    "listOfItems": null
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                    "listOfItems": null
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                    "isRequired": false,
                    "listOfItems": null
                    "name": "Height",
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                    "fieldPath": "Extension/Height",
                    "isRequired": false,
                    "listOfItems": null
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                    "listOfItems": [
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                            "itemName": "Yearly",
                            "itemValue": "Yearly"
                    "name": "Smoker",
                    "description": "Smoker option",
                    "type": "String",
                    "fieldPath": "Extension/Smoker",
                    "isRequired": true,
                    "listOfItems": [
                            "itemName": "No",
                            "itemValue": "No"
                            "itemName": "Yes",
                            "itemValue": "Yes"
                    "name": "IDType",
                    "description": "IDType",
                    "type": "String",
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                    "isRequired": false,
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                            "itemValue": "0"
                            "itemName": "Other",
                            "itemValue": "2"
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                            "itemValue": "1"
                    "name": "CISumInsured",
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                    "type": "Integer",
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                    "isRequired": true,
                    "listOfItems": [
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                            "itemValue": "100000"
                            "itemName": "150000",
                            "itemValue": "150000"
                            "itemName": "200000",
                            "itemValue": "200000"
                            "itemName": "30000",
                            "itemValue": "30000"
                            "itemName": "50000",
                            "itemValue": "50000"
                    "name": "Title",
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                    "type": "List",
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                    "isRequired": true,
                    "listOfItems": [
                            "itemName": "Miss",
                            "itemValue": "280"
                            "itemName": "Mr.",
                            "itemValue": "001"
                            "itemName": "Mrs.",
                            "itemValue": "002"
                            "itemName": "Ms.",
                            "itemValue": "003"
                            "itemName": "เด็กชาย",
                            "itemValue": "184"
                            "itemName": "เด็กหญิง",
                            "itemValue": "185"
                            "itemName": "นาง",
                            "itemValue": "040"
                            "itemName": "นางสาว",
                            "itemValue": "041"
                            "itemName": "นาย",
                            "itemValue": "042"
                    "name": "IsMalaysian",
                    "description": "Are you Malaysian?",
                    "type": "List",
                    "fieldPath": "Extension/IsMalaysian",
                    "isRequired": false,
                    "listOfItems": [
                            "itemName": "No",
                            "itemValue": "No"
                            "itemName": "Yes",
                            "itemValue": "Yes"
                    "name": "IsMailingAddressSameHomeAddress",
                    "description": "Is correspondence address same as above?",
                    "type": "List",
                    "fieldPath": "Extension/IsMailingAddressSameHomeAddress",
                    "isRequired": false,
                    "listOfItems": null
            "marketingMessage": null,
            "maxPolicyHolder": 1,
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            "categoryID": 36,
            "questionnaireGroup": [
                    "id": "04be6f18-ef88-43b3-aa9a-40984c72d7e1",
                    "name": "TPM Critical Illness Question",
                    "description": "TPM Critical Illness Question Lists",
                    "questions": [
                            "id": "7052bf55-28da-428a-8b65-c9fee311272e",
                            "question": "Have you experienced any of the following in the past 2 years? a.       Suffered from any pain or discomfort due to a bodily injury or accident, for which you have yet to consult a doctor b.       Consulted a medical practitioner or specialist for any medical conditions that will require investigation or further treatment c.       Undergone a health screening that required further diagnostic tests, showed results that were not within the normal ranges / values, or showed imaging that detected unusual or suspicious findings",
                            "answers": [
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                                    "answer": "No",
                                    "score": 1.00,
                                    "nextQuestionID": null
                                    "id": "419c8797-0138-4d47-9ee2-90210355be7c",
                                    "answer": "Yes",
                                    "score": -10.00,
                                    "nextQuestionID": null
                            "id": "3d145640-2c60-440f-bb16-ebbe2420998e",
                            "question": "In the past 6 months, have you experienced unexplained weight loss of 5kg or more; blood in urine, persistent coughing, bleeding from the bowels or in stools, diarrhoea or constipation for consecutively 30 days or more?",
                            "answers": [
                                    "id": "43ec9609-fef3-4da8-9bfc-3630b95365a2",
                                    "answer": "No",
                                    "score": 1.00,
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                            "id": "83a56f65-0dc5-45af-9bbb-a0446311a95c",
                            "question": "Have any of your applications for insurance coverage, including renewal or reinstatement, ever been declined, postponed, rated up or accepted on special terms by any insurance company?",
                            "answers": [
                                    "id": "e7122e88-ea2f-47c0-ac5a-536e1dc7bc58",
                                    "answer": "No",
                                    "score": 1.00,
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                                    "id": "47b7ab21-0b50-4167-b316-9c3198488275",
                                    "answer": "Yes",
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                            "id": "8f64c070-e5e2-4f16-b5c2-3f1ad716aebb",
                            "question": "Do you currently suffer from, or have been diagnosed with any of the following medical conditions? a.       Cancer, leukaemia, tumours, lump, abnormal growths or cysts b.       Stroke, heart attack, chest pains, high blood pressure, heart disease, any disorder of the blood vessels c.       Anaemia or any blood disorder, thyroid disorder. d.       Any childhood or congenital conditions, bone or joint disorders including arthritis, sciatica and rheumatism. e.       Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, tuberculosis or any other disease of the respiratory system f.       Disorder of the lungs, liver, kidneys, or digestive system. g.       Psychotic, mental or nervous disorders, alcoholism or drug abuse. h.       Any physical defects, deformities, or motor impairments or any physical condition that affect your mobility, physical capacity, stamina, or dexterity i.       Any diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, mouth, skin, back, or spine j.       AIDS or AIDS related complications k.       Diabetes, raised blood sugar, sugar in urine, any condition affecting your pancreases, thyroid or hormones",
                            "answers": [
                                    "id": "6d4298a8-32f3-45de-96c0-fab0bbbd3004",
                                    "answer": "No",
                                    "score": 1.00,
                                    "nextQuestionID": null
                                    "id": "7fd05ad5-1a14-49ec-ab57-9e26831fc8ad",
                                    "answer": "Yes",
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    "error": {
        "code": 0,
        "message": null
Request body parameters:
Name Type Mandatory Remark
planType String Yes Category from Cagetory API
languageCode String Yes EN
Response body parameters:
Name Type Mandatory Remark
planType String Yes Input
languageCode String Yes Input
planType String Yes Input
ID Guid Yes Plan Unique ID
Description String No Plan DescriptioN
planCode String Yes The plan code that use in quote, calculator API
currencyCode String Yes MYR/ THB/ VND
subPlans List<Plans> No Sub-Plans list
Attributes List <Attribute> No Attributes list
MarketingMessage String/Html No The message display for marketing purpose
MaxPolicyHolder Int Yes The Maximum Policy Holder count in this policy
MaxInsuredPerson Int Yes The Maximum Insured person count in this policy
PaymentFrequency List<String> No List of the Payment Frequency eg : Yearly, Monthly, Quaterly, Half Year
IsMasterPolicy Bool Yes
CategoryID Int Yes System ID for Category
QuestionnaireGroup List<QuestionaireGroup> No List of underwriter question group
code Int Yes Error Code
message String Yes Error message (Null if no error)
Name Type Mandatory Remark
Name String Yes Attributes Name
Type String Yes Attributes Data Type
FieldPath String Yes Attributes Field (Use in Placeholder)
Description String Yes Attributes Description
IsRequired Bool Yes
ListOfItems List<Item> No List of Item
Name Type Mandatory Remark
ItemName String Yes Item Name
ItemValue String Yes Item Value
Name Type Mandatory Remark
ID Guid Yes
Name String Yes
Description String Yes
Question List<Question> Yes List of Questions
Name Type Mandatory Remark
ID Guid Yes
Question String Yes Question
Answer List<Answer> Yes
Name Type Mandatory Remark
ID Guid Yes
Answer String Yes
Score Int Yes
NextQuestionID Guid Yes
Propose UI

2. Calculator

Method Post

API Endpoint :

To calculate the pricing breakdown with customer information

Request Body Parameter
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    "policyStart": "2023-03-14T00:00:00 Z ",
    "policyEnd": "2024-03-13T00:00:00 Z ",
    "insuredPersonDOB": "1980-07-23T00:00:00 Z ",
    "promoCode": "",
    "affinityCode": "",
    "languageCode": "en",
    "currencyCode": "MYR",
    "subPlans": [
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        "AgentName": "XXXXXX",
        "IsMalaysian": "null",
        "Age": "29",
        "IsMailingAddressSameHomeAddress": "No",
        "TaxNo": "",
        "BMIRatio": "0",
        "Relationship": "null",
        "TaxDeductible": "N",
        "CISumInsured": "30000",
        "Smoker": "No",
        "Frequency": "Yearly"
Name Type Mandatory Remark
planCode String Yes The planCode retrieve from Discover Plan API
insuredPersonDOB Datetime Yes Policy holder DOB
policyStart Datetime Yes
PolicyEnd Datetime Yes
languageCode String Yes EN
subPlans List<String> Yes Sub Plan List
currencyCode String Yes
Extension Json No The Attribute listed in Discover Plan API
Response body parameters:
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        "premiumBreakdown": null,
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                "paymentOption": null,
                "netPremium": 0.0
        "marketingMessage": null,
        "paymentProvider": null,
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    "error": {
        "code": 0,
        "message": ""
    "isQualified": false
Name Type Mandatory Remark
planCode String Yes The planCode retrieve from Discover Plan API
insuredPersonDOB Datetime Yes Policy holder DOB
policyStart Datetime Yes
PolicyEnd Datetime Yes
languageCode String Yes EN
subPlans List<String> Yes Sub Plan List
currencyCode String Yes
Extension Json Yes The Attribute listed in Discover Plan API
ID Guid Yes
planCode String Yes
currencyCode String Yes
PremiumBreakdown List/ Yes Pricing Breakdown when no payment frequency
PaymentFrequency List<PremiumBreakdownFrequency> Yes List of payment breakdown with frequency
PlanDescription String Yes
SubPlan List<Plan> Yes
PaymentProvider String Yes
PaymentOption String Yes
NetPremium Money Yes
code Int Yes Error Code
message String Yes Error message (Null if no error)
isQualified Bool Y
Name Type Mandatory Remark
ChargeCode String Yes Eg: BAPA
ChargeDescription String Yes Charge Description (Eg: Basic Premium)
Amount Decimal Yes
Percentage Int Yes
Name Type Mandatory Remark
FrequencyDescription String Yes Eg: Monthly, Yearly
PaymentProjection List<PaymentProjection> Yes
PaymentFactor Decimal Yes
Name Type Mandatory Remark
Year Int Yes
PremiumBreakdown List<PremiumBreakdown> Yes
PaymentDates List<PaymentDates> Yes
Name Type Mandatory Remark
BillingNo Int Yes
BillingDate DateTime Yes
Premium Decimal Yes
PremiumWithoutAdditionalCharge Decimal Yes
IsFirstPayment Bool Yes
AdditionalCharge List<PremiumBreakdown> Yes
IsPaid Bool Yes
PaymentDateTime DateTime Yes
Propose UI

3. Quote

Method Post

API Endpoint :

To do plan quotation and generate ID to purchase

Request Body Parameter
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      "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "FullName": "Test King",
      "Email": "[email protected]",
      "DOB": "1993-11-22T00:00:00Z",
      "Address": "NO 32, JALAN KASTURI 2, KASTURI HEIGHTS,",
      "Nationality": "MYS",
      "IdNo": "931122-11-2222",
      "Gender": "Male",
      "Postcode": "71800",
      "City": null,
      "State": "Negeri Sembilan",
      "Country": "Malaysia",
      "InsuredType": 3,
      "Age": 29,
      "AgeNextBirthday": 30,
      "Contacts": [
          "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
          "ContactType": "Mobile",
          "ContactNumber": "60123968842"
      "Extension": "{\"Title\":\"001\",\"IDType\":\"nric\"}",
      "ExtensionString": "{\"Title\":\"001\",\"IDType\":\"nric\"}"
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  "Channel": "ZeusAdmin",
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  "PolicyEnd": "2024-05-08T00:00:00Z",
  "TotalDays": 365,
  "Extension": "{   \"Weight\": \"70\",   \"Height\": \"167\",   \"AgentCode\": \"661606-PW\",   \"AgentName\": \"FATBERRY_INSURE_SDN._BHD\",   \"IsMalaysian\": \"null\",   \"Age\": \"29\",   \"IsMailingAddressSameHomeAddress\": \"No\",   \"TaxNo\": \"\",   \"BMIRatio\": \"0\",   \"Relationship\": \"null\",   \"TaxDeductible\": \"N\",   \"CISumInsured\": \"30000\",   \"Smoker\": \"No\",   \"Frequency\": \"Yearly\" }",
  "ExtensionString": "{   \"Weight\": \"70\",   \"Height\": \"167\",   \"AgentCode\": \"661606-PW\",   \"AgentName\": \"FATBERRY_INSURE_SDN._BHD\",   \"IsMalaysian\": \"null\",   \"Age\": \"29\",   \"IsMailingAddressSameHomeAddress\": \"No\",   \"TaxNo\": \"\",   \"BMIRatio\": \"0\",   \"Relationship\": \"null\",   \"TaxDeductible\": \"N\",   \"CISumInsured\": \"30000\",   \"Smoker\": \"No\",   \"Frequency\": \"Yearly\" }",
  "languageCode": "en",
  "QuestionnaireGroupResult": [
      "ID": "04be6f18-ef88-43b3-aa9a-40984c72d7e1",
      "TotalScore": 4,
      "Name": "TPM Critical Illness Question",
      "Answers": [
          "Question": "8f64c070-e5e2-4f16-b5c2-3f1ad716aebb",
          "QuestionValue": "Do you currently suffer from, or have been diagnosed with any of the following medical conditions? a.       Cancer, leukaemia, tumours, lump, abnormal growths or cysts b.       Stroke, heart attack, chest pains, high blood pressure, heart disease, any disorder of the blood vessels c.       Anaemia or any blood disorder, thyroid disorder. d.       Any childhood or congenital conditions, bone or joint disorders including arthritis, sciatica and rheumatism. e.       Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, tuberculosis or any other disease of the respiratory system f.       Disorder of the lungs, liver, kidneys, or digestive system. g.       Psychotic, mental or nervous disorders, alcoholism or drug abuse. h.       Any physical defects, deformities, or motor impairments or any physical condition that affect your mobility, physical capacity, stamina, or dexterity i.       Any diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, mouth, skin, back, or spine j.       AIDS or AIDS related complications k.       Diabetes, raised blood sugar, sugar in urine, any condition affecting your pancreases, thyroid or hormones",
          "Answer": "6d4298a8-32f3-45de-96c0-fab0bbbd3004",
          "AnswerValue": "No",
          "Score": 1
          "Question": "7052bf55-28da-428a-8b65-c9fee311272e",
          "QuestionValue": "Have you experienced any of the following in the past 2 years? a.       Suffered from any pain or discomfort due to a bodily injury or accident, for which you have yet to consult a doctor b.       Consulted a medical practitioner or specialist for any medical conditions that will require investigation or further treatment c.       Undergone a health screening that required further diagnostic tests, showed results that were not within the normal ranges / values, or showed imaging that detected unusual or suspicious findings",
          "Answer": "abc91791-effc-4826-a061-11891e9d1c54",
          "AnswerValue": "No",
          "Score": 1
          "Question": "83a56f65-0dc5-45af-9bbb-a0446311a95c",
          "QuestionValue": "Have any of your applications for insurance coverage, including renewal or reinstatement, ever been declined, postponed, rated up or accepted on special terms by any insurance company?",
          "Answer": "e7122e88-ea2f-47c0-ac5a-536e1dc7bc58",
          "AnswerValue": "No",
          "Score": 1
          "Question": "3d145640-2c60-440f-bb16-ebbe2420998e",
          "QuestionValue": "In the past 6 months, have you experienced unexplained weight loss of 5kg or more; blood in urine, persistent coughing, bleeding from the bowels or in stools, diarrhoea or constipation for consecutively 30 days or more?",
          "Answer": "43ec9609-fef3-4da8-9bfc-3630b95365a2",
          "AnswerValue": "No",
          "Score": 1
  "SubPlans": [
  "SubPlanString": "TPMPR5E,TPMPRDB",
  "CurrencyCode": "MYR",
  "PromoCode": "",
  "AffinityCode": "",
  "OwnerMasterPolicyNo": null,
  "OwnerPolicyNo": null,
  "AgentUserName": null
Request body parameters:
Name Type Mandatory Remark
InsuredPersons List<insuredPersons> Yes
planCode String Yes
Channel String No Eg: Mobile/Web
policyStart Datetime Yes
policyEnd Datetime Yes
TotalDays Int No
Extension Json No The Attribute listed in Discover Plan API
languageCode String No EN
QuestionnaireGroupResult List<questionnairegroupresult> No
subPlans List<Plans> No
currencyCode String Yes
PromoCode String No
Name Type Mandatory Remark
FullName string Yes
Email Email Yes
DOB Datetime Yes
Address String Yes
Nationality String Yes
IdNo String Yes
Gender String Yes
Postcode String No
City String No
State String No
InsuredType Int Yes PolicyHolder = 1,InsuredPerson = 2,PolicyHolderInsured = 3
Contact Contact No

| ContactType | String | Yes | EG: Home, Mobile | | ContactNumber | String | Yes ||

Name Type Mandatory Remark
ID Guid Yes Questionaire Group ID from Discover Plan
TotalScore Decimal No System will calculate if no value
Name String No Default will check with ID, Name is not mandatory
Answers List<answers> Yes List of Q&A
Name Type Mandatory Remark
Question Guid Yes Question ID from Discover Plan
Answer Guid Yes Answer ID from Discover Plan
Response body parameters:
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Error List<Error> Yes
ID Guid Yes The ID Used In Confirm Purchase
isQualified Bool Yes
Propose UI

Extension Questionnaire Insured Person **Promo Code **

4. Confirm

Method POST

API Endpoint :

Request body parameters:

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  "ExtensionJson": null,
  "RefPolicyNo": null
Name Type Mandatory Remark
QuoteID Guid Yes The ID generated during Quote API
PaymentFrequency String No If Paymode (Monthly/Yearly) is setup, it will be Mandatory
PaymentTransactionRef String No A field to record the transaction Information
PaymentDate Date No A field to record the transaction Date
PaymentTime Time No A field to record the transaction Time
PaymentType Int No 0 - Credit Card, 1- FPX
Response body parameters:
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Name Type Mandatory Remark
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Error Error Yes
Attachment String base64 No If attachment is setup, return as base64
ExternalOutput String No

Pro-Health Medical

1. DiscoverPlan

Method Post

API Endpoint :

To get all plans with the planType

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  "languageCode": "en"

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                                    "nextQuestionID": null
                            "id": "24ce652a-ebcc-41e3-8fdc-2b43c4af6461",
                            "question": "2.\tHave you been diagnosed with any of the following medical condition during the lapsed period? <br> (a) Cancer, leukaemia, tumours, lump, abnormal growths or cysts <br> (b) Stroke, heart attack, chest pains, high blood pressure, heart disease, any disorder of the blood vessels  <br> (c) Anaemia or any blood disorder, thyroid disorder. <br>(d) Bone or joint disorders including arthritis, sciatica and rheumatism. <br> (e) Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, tuberculosis or any other disease of the respiratory system <br><br>(f) Disorder of the lungs, liver, kidneys, or digestive system. <br>(g) Psychotic, mental or nervous disorders, alcoholism or drug abuse.  <br>(h) Any physical defects, deformities, or motor impairments or any physical condition that affect your mobility, physical capacity, stamina, or dexterity  <br>(i) Any diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, mouth, skin, back, or spine AIDS or AIDS related complications <br>(j) Diabetes, raised blood sugar, sugar in urine, any condition affecting your pancreases, thyroid or hormones",
                            "answers": [
                                    "id": "28845ab7-5d1e-4f53-88c2-cd60b902e0e0",
                                    "answer": "No",
                                    "score": 1.00,
                                    "nextQuestionID": null
                                    "id": "e2eddca7-5263-44fe-9728-6663f881ce3a",
                                    "answer": "Yes",
                                    "score": -10.0,
                                    "nextQuestionID": null
    "error": {
        "code": 0,
        "message": null
Request body parameters:
Name Type Mandatory Remark
planType String Yes Category from Cagetory API
languageCode String Yes EN
Response body parameters:
Name Type Mandatory Remark
planType String Yes Input
languageCode String Yes Input
planType String Yes Input
ID Guid Yes Plan Unique ID
Description String No Plan Description
planCode String Yes The plan code that use in quote, calculator API
currencyCode String Yes MYR/ THB/ VND
subPlans List<Plans> No Sub-Plans list
Attributes List <Attribute> No Attributes list
MarketingMessage String/Html No The message display for marketing purpose
MaxPolicyHolder Int Yes The Maximum Policy Holder count in this policy
MaxInsuredPerson Int Yes The Maximum Insured person count in this policy
PaymentFrequency List<String> No List of the Payment Frequency eg : Yearly, Monthly, Quaterly, Half Year
IsMasterPolicy Bool Yes
CategoryID Int Yes System ID for Category
QuestionnaireGroup List<QuestionaireGroup> No List of underwriter question group
code Int Yes Error Code
message String Yes Error message (Null if no error)
Name Type Mandatory Remark
Name String Y Attributes Name
Type String Y Attributes Data Type
FieldPath String Y Attributes Field (Use in Placeholder)
Description String Y Attributes Description
IsRequired Bool Y
ListOfItems List<Item> No List of Item
Name Type Mandatory Remark
ItemName String Yes Item Name
ItemValue String Yes Item Value
Name Type Mandatory Remark
ID Guid Yes
Name String Yes
Description String Yes
Question List<Question> Yes List of Questions
Name Type Mandatory Remark
ID Guid Yes
Question String Yes Question
Answer List<Answer> Yes
Name Type Mandatory Remark
ID Guid Yes
Answer String Yes
Score Int Yes
NextQuestionID Guid Yes
Propose UI

2. Calculator

Method Post

API Endpoint :

To calculate the pricing breakdown with customer information

Request Body Parameter
    "planCode": "PRProHealth100",
    "policyStart": "2023-03-14T00:00:00 Z ",
    "policyEnd": "2024-03-13T00:00:00 Z ",
    "insuredPersonDOB": "1994-07-23T00:00:00 Z ",
    "promoCode": "",
    "affinityCode": "",
    "languageCode": "en",
    "currencyCode": "MYR",
    "subPlans": null,
    "Extension": {
        "Height": "170",
        "Weight": "60",
Name Type Mandatory Remark
planCode String Yes The planCode retrieve from Discover Plan API
insuredPersonDOB Datetime Yes Policy holder DOB
policyStart Datetime Yes
PolicyEnd Datetime Yes
languageCode String Yes EN
subPlans List<String> Yes Sub Plan List
currencyCode String Yes
Extension Json No The Attribute listed in Discover Plan API
Response body parameters:
    "plan": {
        "id": "4ae65b6d-95f8-4bed-a083-a0842a4b5eee",
        "planCode": "PRProHealth100",
        "category": "PRPro-Health",
        "currencyCode": "MYR",
        "premiumBreakdown": null,
        "paymentFrequency": [
                "frequencyDescription": "Monthly",
                "paymentProjection": [
                        "year": 1,
                        "purpose": null,
                        "premiumBreakdown": [
                                "chargeCode": "BasicPremium",
                                "chargeDescription": "Basic Premium",
                                "amount": 691.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "Comm",
                                "chargeDescription": "Commission",
                                "amount": 103.65,
                                "percentage": 15.00,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "Rebate",
                                "chargeDescription": "Rebate discount",
                                "amount": 0.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "NetAnnualPremium",
                                "chargeDescription": "NET ANNUAL PREMIUM",
                                "amount": 691.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "StampDuty",
                                "chargeDescription": "Stamp duty",
                                "amount": 10.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "Total",
                                "chargeDescription": "Total",
                                "amount": 691.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "SumInsured",
                                "chargeDescription": "Sum insured",
                                "amount": 100000.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "Total With StampDuty",
                                "chargeDescription": "Total With StampDuty",
                                "amount": 701.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                        "paymentDates": [
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-03-14T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 60.46,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 60.46,
                                "isFirstPayment": true,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-04-14T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 60.46,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 60.46,
                                "isFirstPayment": false,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-05-14T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 60.46,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 60.46,
                                "isFirstPayment": false,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-06-14T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 60.46,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 60.46,
                                "isFirstPayment": false,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-07-14T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 60.46,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 60.46,
                                "isFirstPayment": false,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-08-14T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 60.46,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 60.46,
                                "isFirstPayment": false,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-09-14T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 60.46,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 60.46,
                                "isFirstPayment": false,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-10-14T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 60.46,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 60.46,
                                "isFirstPayment": false,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-11-14T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 60.46,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 60.46,
                                "isFirstPayment": false,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-12-14T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 60.46,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 60.46,
                                "isFirstPayment": false,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2024-01-14T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 60.46,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 60.46,
                                "isFirstPayment": false,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2024-02-14T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 25.94,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 25.94,
                                "isFirstPayment": false,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                "paymentFactor": 1.05
                "frequencyDescription": "Yearly",
                "paymentProjection": [
                        "year": 1,
                        "purpose": null,
                        "premiumBreakdown": [
                                "chargeCode": "BasicPremium",
                                "chargeDescription": "Basic Premium",
                                "amount": 691.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.0,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "Comm",
                                "chargeDescription": "Commission",
                                "amount": 103.65,
                                "percentage": 15.00,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.0,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "Rebate",
                                "chargeDescription": "Rebate discount",
                                "amount": 0.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.0,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "NetAnnualPremium",
                                "chargeDescription": "NET ANNUAL PREMIUM",
                                "amount": 691.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.0,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "StampDuty",
                                "chargeDescription": "Stamp duty",
                                "amount": 10.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.0,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "Total",
                                "chargeDescription": "Total",
                                "amount": 691.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.0,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "SumInsured",
                                "chargeDescription": "Sum insured",
                                "amount": 100000.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.0,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "Total With StampDuty",
                                "chargeDescription": "Total With StampDuty",
                                "amount": 701.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.0,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": false,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                        "paymentDates": [
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-03-14T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 691.00,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 691.00,
                                "isFirstPayment": true,
                                "additionalCharge": [],
                                "isPaid": false,
                                "paymentDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "paymentHistory": []
                "paymentFactor": 1.0
        "planDescription": "ProHealth100",
        "subPlan": [],
        "marketingMessage": null,
        "paymentProvider": null,
        "paymentOption": null,
        "netPremium": 0.0
    "error": {
        "code": 0,
        "message": ""
    "isQualified": false
Name Type Mandatory Remark
planCode String Yes The planCode retrieve from Discover Plan API
insuredPersonDOB Datetime Yes Policy holder DOB
policyStart Datetime Yes
PolicyEnd Datetime Yes
languageCode String Yes EN
subPlans List<String> Yes Sub Plan List
currencyCode String Yes
Extension Json Yes The Attribute listed in Discover Plan API
ID Guid Yes
planCode String Yes
currencyCode String Yes
PremiumBreakdown List/ Yes Pricing Breakdown when no payment frequency
PaymentFrequency List<PremiumBreakdownFrequency> Yes List of payment breakdown with frequency
PlanDescription String Yes
SubPlan List<Plan> Yes
PaymentProvider String Yes
PaymentOption String Yes
NetPremium Money Yes
code Int Yes Error Code
message String Yes Error message (Null if no error)
isQualified Bool Y
Name Type Mandatory Remark
ChargeCode String Yes Eg: BAPA
ChargeDescription String Yes Charge Description (Eg: Basic Premium)
Amount Decimal Yes
Percentage Int Yes
Name Type Mandatory Remark
FrequencyDescription String Yes Eg: Monthly, Yearly
PaymentProjection List<PaymentProjection> Yes
PaymentFactor Decimal Yes
Name Type Mandatory Remark
Year Int Yes
PremiumBreakdown List<PremiumBreakdown> Yes
PaymentDates List<PaymentDates> Yes
Name Type Mandatory Remark
BillingNo Int Yes
BillingDate DateTime Yes
Premium Decimal Yes
PremiumWithoutAdditionalCharge Decimal Yes
IsFirstPayment Bool Yes
AdditionalCharge List<PremiumBreakdown> Yes
IsPaid Bool Yes
PaymentDateTime DateTime Yes
Propose UI

3. Quote

Method Post

API Endpoint :

To do plan quotation and generate ID to purchase

Request Body Parameter
  "InsuredPersons": [
      "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "FullName": "Fazzuan",
      "Email": "[email protected]",
      "DOB": "1993-11-22T00:00:00Z",
      "Address": "NEGERI SEMBILAN",
      "Nationality": "MYS",
      "IdNo": "931122065002",
      "Gender": "Male",
      "Postcode": "71800",
      "City": null,
      "State": "NEGERI SEMBILAN",
      "Country": "MYS",
      "InsuredType": 3,
      "Age": 29,
      "AgeNextBirthday": 30,
      "Contacts": [
          "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
          "ContactType": "Mobile",
          "ContactNumber": "1139901415"
      "Extension": {},
      "ExtensionString": "{}"
  "PlanCode": "PRProHealth30",
  "Channel": "ZeusAdmin",
  "PolicyStart": "2023-03-09T00:00:00Z",
  "PolicyEnd": "2024-03-08T00:00:00Z",
  "TotalDays": 366,
  "Extension": "{   \"Height\": \"\",   \"Weight\": \"\" }",
  "ExtensionString": "{   \"Height\": \"\",   \"Weight\": \"\" }",
  "languageCode": "en",
  "QuestionnaireGroupResult": [
      "ID": "9da1c2fd-d160-41e6-a4b4-614a923aa28e",
      "TotalScore": 3,
      "Name": "Pro-Health Declaration",
      "Answers": [
          "Question": "a48c66e0-9caf-43a5-a65c-44deb0a74af3",
          "QuestionValue": "Do you currently suffer from, or have been diagnosed with any of the following medical conditions? •        Cancer, tumors, abnormal growths or cysts •        Stroke, heart attack, chest pains, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, anemia, thyroid disorder, or any disorder of the blood vessels. •        Any childhood or congenital conditions, bone or joint disorders including arthritis, sciatica and rheumatism. •        Hepatitis, tuberculosis, or any other disease of the respiratory system •        Disorder of the lungs, liver, kidneys, or digestive system. •        Psychotic, mental or nervous disorders, alcoholism or drug abuse.  •        Any physical conditions that affect your mobility, physical capacity, stamina, or dexterity  •        Any diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, mouth, skin, back, or spine •        AIDS or AIDS related complications, or any communicable diseases that require quarantine by law",
          "Answer": "71ac32db-11a6-4e03-9b4e-d5b208b95514",
          "AnswerValue": "No",
          "Score": 1
          "Question": "d88ae0f8-d1c8-4da5-8428-dd4dd23d18f3",
          "QuestionValue": "Have any of your applications for insurance coverage, including renewal or reinstatement, ever been declined, postponed, rated up or accepted on special terms by any insurance company?",
          "Answer": "96918a2d-24ba-48d1-a79f-7d8b84031bcd",
          "AnswerValue": "No",
          "Score": 1
          "Question": "24ce652a-ebcc-41e3-8fdc-2b43c4af6461",
          "QuestionValue": "2.\tHave you been diagnosed with any of the following medical condition during the lapsed period? <br> (a) Cancer, leukaemia, tumours, lump, abnormal growths or cysts <br> (b) Stroke, heart attack, chest pains, high blood pressure, heart disease, any disorder of the blood vessels  <br> (c) Anaemia or any blood disorder, thyroid disorder. <br>(d) Bone or joint disorders including arthritis, sciatica and rheumatism. <br> (e) Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, tuberculosis or any other disease of the respiratory system <br><br>(f) Disorder of the lungs, liver, kidneys, or digestive system. <br>(g) Psychotic, mental or nervous disorders, alcoholism or drug abuse.  <br>(h) Any physical defects, deformities, or motor impairments or any physical condition that affect your mobility, physical capacity, stamina, or dexterity  <br>(i) Any diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, mouth, skin, back, or spine AIDS or AIDS related complications <br>(j) Diabetes, raised blood sugar, sugar in urine, any condition affecting your pancreases, thyroid or hormones",
          "Answer": "28845ab7-5d1e-4f53-88c2-cd60b902e0e0",
          "AnswerValue": "No",
          "Score": 1
  "SubPlans": null,
  "SubPlanString": null,
  "CurrencyCode": "MYR",
  "PromoCode": "",
  "AffinityCode": "",
  "OwnerMasterPolicyNo": null,
  "OwnerPolicyNo": null,
  "AgentUserName": null
Request body parameters:
Name Type Mandatory Remark
InsuredPersons List<insuredPersons> Yes
planCode String Yes
Channel String N Eg: Mobile/Web
policyStart Datetime Yes
policyEnd Datetime Yes
TotalDays Int N
Extension Json No The Attribute listed in Discover Plan API
languageCode String No EN
QuestionnaireGroupResult List<questionnairegroupresult> No
subPlans List<Plans> No
currencyCode String Y
PromoCode String No
Name Type Mandatory Remark
FullName string Yes
Email Email Yes
DOB Datetime Yes
Address String Yes
Nationality String Yes
IdNo String Yes
Gender String Yes
Postcode String No
City String No
State String No
InsuredType Int Y PolicyHolder = 1,InsuredPerson = 2,PolicyHolderInsured = 3
Contact Contact No

| ContactType | String | Yes | EG: Home, Mobile| | ContactNumber | String | Yes||

Name Type Mandatory Remark
ID Guid Yes Questionaire Group ID from Discover Plan
TotalScore Decimal No System will calculate if no value
Name String No Default will check with ID, Name is not mandatory
Answers List<answers> Yes List of Q&A
Name Type Mandatory Remark
Question Guid Yes Question ID from Discover Plan
Answer Guid Yes Answer ID from Discover Plan
Response body parameters:
    "plan": {
        "id": "aa44b1bc-7c02-4e98-91c8-0d77e93b0480",
        "planCode": "PRProHealth30",
        "category": null,
        "currencyCode": "MYR",
        "premiumBreakdown": null,
        "paymentFrequency": [
                "frequencyDescription": "Monthly",
                "paymentProjection": [
                        "year": 1,
                        "purpose": null,
                        "premiumBreakdown": [
                                "chargeCode": "BasicPremium",
                                "chargeDescription": "Basic Premium",
                                "amount": 598.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": true,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "Rebate",
                                "chargeDescription": "Rebate discount",
                                "amount": 0.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": true,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "Comm",
                                "chargeDescription": "Commission",
                                "amount": 89.70,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": true,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "NetAnnualPremium",
                                "chargeDescription": "NET ANNUAL PREMIUM",
                                "amount": 598.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": true,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "Total",
                                "chargeDescription": "Total",
                                "amount": 598.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": true,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "StampDuty",
                                "chargeDescription": "Stamp duty",
                                "amount": 10.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": true,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "SumInsured",
                                "chargeDescription": "Sum insured",
                                "amount": 30000.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": true,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                                "chargeCode": "Total With StampDuty",
                                "chargeDescription": "Total With StampDuty",
                                "amount": 608.00,
                                "percentage": 0.0,
                                "paymentFactor": 1.05,
                                "displayCalc": true,
                                "isOneTime": false,
                                "isAmount": true,
                                "key": null,
                                "value": 0.0
                        "paymentDates": [
                                "billingNo": 0,
                                "billingDate": "2023-03-09T00:00:00Z",
                                "premium": 62.33,
                                "premiumWithoutAdditionalCharge": 52.33,
                                "isFirstPayment": true,
                                "additionalCharge": [
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    "externalOutput": {},
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Name Type Mandatory Remark
Request QuoteRequest Yes
Plan Plan Yes Y
PlanDescription String N
subPlan List<Plans> No
PaymentProvider Json No
PaymentOption Json N
QuoteValidity DateTime Yes QuoteId Expired Date
Error List<Error> Yes
ID Guid Yes The ID Used In Confirm Purchase
isQualified Bool Yes
Propose UI

Extension Questionnaire Insured Person **Promo Code **

4. Confirm

Method POST

API Endpoint :

Request body parameters:

    "QuoteID": "3ba77f75-e59a-45d9-8ca8-37cb91028dad",
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    "PaymentTime": "11:58:12",
    "SendEmail": null,
    "PaymentType": 1,
    "PaymentTransactionID": "PFTPRPH009727-6985",
    "ExtensionJson": null,
    "RefPolicyNo": null
Name Type Mandatory Remark
QuoteID Guid Yes The ID generated during Quote API
PaymentFrequency String No If Paymode (Monthly/Yearly) is setup, it will be Mandatory
PaymentTransactionRef String No A field to record the transaction Information
PaymentDate Date No A field to record the transaction Date
PaymentTime Time No A field to record the transaction Time
PaymentType Int No 0 - Credit Card, 1- FPX
Response body parameters:
    "policyNo": "UAT-PR-2023-000467",
    "refPolicyNo": "",
    "startDate": "2023-05-17T18:24:15.0354531+08:00",
    "endDate": "2024-05-15T18:24:15.035Z",
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            "netPremium": 119.00
    "paymentFrequency": "Yearly",
    "paymentFrequencyAmount": 0.0,
    "error": {
        "code": 600001,
        "message": "External Api Error."
    "attachment": [
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            "fileDescription": "Partner Pro-Health Tax Invoice",
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            "download": ""
            "fileName": "UAT-PR-2023-000467.pdf",
            "fileDescription": "Partner Pro-Health COI",
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            "download": ""
    "externalOutput": {
        "PassMsg": "",
        "PassErr": "0",
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            "PolicyNo": "66-919-23-000012",
            "ReceiptNo": ""
Name Type Mandatory Remark
PolicyNo String Yes
RefPolicyNo String Yes
StartDate Datetime Yes
EndDate StrDatetimeing Yes
TotalPremium Decimal Yes
PlanBreakdown PremiumBreakdown Yes
Error Error Yes
Attachment String base64 No If attachment is setup, return as base64
ExternalOutput String No

Modified Errors

The Marz API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
403 Forbidden -- The requested is hidden for administrators only.
404 Not Found -- The specified could not be found.
405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access with an invalid method.
406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json.
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.